Safety Regulations translate CERN’s Safety policy into rules applicable to various activity fields of the Organization, for the purposes of occupational health and safety, environmental protection, safety of equipment and installations, and operational Safety.
- SR-C
Chemical Agents
The purpose of this Safety Regulation is to define the minimum Safety requirements for the protection of persons from risks to their health and safety arising, or likely to arise, from the effects of hazardous chemical agents that are present at the workplace or used in any CERN activity.
It applies to any CERN activity involving hazardous chemical agents.
- SR-M
Mechanical equipment
The purpose of this Safety Regulation is to define the minimum Safety requirements applying to all mechanical equipment belonging to or hired by CERN or the collaborating institutions, used or intended for use at CERN, and to all associated activities.
Protection of persons from exposure to non-ionising radiation
The purpose of this Safety Regulation is to define the roles and responsibilities regarding Non-Ionising Radiation (NIR) Sources and the protection of persons from risks arising, or likely to arise, from the exposure to NIR at CERN.
- SR-S
Smoking at CERN
This Safety Regulation bans smoking in all enclosed or covered spaces on CERN premises as well as in all CERN vehicles. The prescriptions enforced by this Safety Regulation shall apply to all persons present on the CERN site.
Responsibilities in matters of Safety Incident Management at CERN
The purpose of this Safety Regulation is to define the principles governing the declaration and management, including the notification, classification, analysis and follow-up, of Safety Incidents at CERN with a view to mitigate their consequences, both immediate and long term, and to avoid re-occurrence through corrective actions and sharing of lessons learnt.
Responsibilities and organisational structure in matters of Safety at CERN
The purpose of this Safety Regulation is to define the responsibilities and organisational structure in matters of Safety at CERN. It covers all persons participating in the activities of the Organization or present on its site, irrespective of their status.